Results For Category: "Coaches Corner"

I can’t = I won’t

I can’t is one of the most self defeating phrases around.  Is there really anything in this world that you cannot do?  How…

Are you Coachable?

What does it mean to be coachable? Being coachable means you are open to critique, open to suggestions and modifications, take advice…

Can CrossFit get me through a Marathon?

Running a marathon was something that was always on my bucket list.  I ran for 3 years in high school, but not…

The Cost of Fitness

Are you currently paying for a gym membership? Are you using it? Hopefully the answer was yes! No matter whether it’s $20/month…

Accomplishing the Unattainable

Besides the obvious health benefits, one of the best things about fitness is when you accomplish something that you otherwise thought could never…

Never whine, Never complain, Never make excuses

Last month Morgan and I were fortunate enough to spend 2 days with Ben Bergeron and his team. It was his 2…

Everlasting Fitness 2020

2019 was a great year at Everlasting!   Pounds, inches and fears lost.  Friends, muscles and confidence gained. Mindset, goals and fitness changed….

Are you off the Wagon?

Has it been awhile since you have been to the gym? It doesn’t matter why –  injury, laziness, busy with life, etc….

Mindset: A Simple Idea That Makes All The Difference

The most impactful two pieces of advice I ever received when I joined CFE was, “make sure you keep track of your…

Aging and Exercise

There are not many guarantees in life, but aging is one of them. Sound bleak? It really is not since you are…