Are you Coachable?

What does it mean to be coachable?
Being coachable means you are open to critique, open to suggestions and modifications, take advice and actually try to implement what was given to you.
Sometimes it means taking a step back so you can move past that sticky point down the road.  No one likes taking a step back but often that is what it takes to hit the next level.
Do you take your coaches cues and try to implement them?  Or does finishing the workout in a decent time make all those cues go out the window?
Can you scale down your workout and work on form if asked to?  Or are you afraid someone will judge you for not doing “Sport”?
Can you substitute a movement to avoid a joint that’s bothering you?  Or will you push through the pain because you have to do what everyone else is doing?
Can you lower the weight and work on your bar path during a workout? Or does ego take over…time, weight, etc.
Can you change something up even if you don’t want to?  Often, you are not the smartest person in the room.
Can you take advice from a coach who you consistently beat in workouts? More often than not, the best coaches in any sport are not the best athletes.
Coaches give advice and cues to help make you better.  If you choose to ignore these cues and advice your progress will be slower than most if not stagnant.  The most coachable athletes will see rapid progress because of that close communication with their coaches.
~Coach Bret
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