Thank you for helping us celebrate our 10 year Anniversary here at Everlasting Fitness! We had a blast during our workout and Clean Ladder! The after party at Falling Branch was special as well, it’s great hanging with you all outside of the gym walls as well!

Congrats to our January Member of the Month – Pam Simper!

Pam is always consistent in attendance and eager to progress! She even took on an individual competition! Nice Job Pam!

~Here is our Committed Club for January! 20 or more check ins (workouts) per month gets you on the list! Congrats to January’s Committed Club!

Jeffrey St. Clair33
Amanda Sosnin26
Derien Pratt26
Geoffrey Erhart26
Krystyna Brooks26
Lauren Stasio26
Matt Schroeder26
Adam Taylor25
Jason Davis25
Katie Davis25
Michelle Cook25
Steve Dickerson25
Shane Hedrington24
Elaina Heslin23
Joan Nicoli23
Joanne Baker23
Nina Kagan23
Rachel Darda23
Ryan Hodgson23
Ellie Gonzalez22
Eric Huling22
Jose Rosa-Alicea22
David Orozco21
Jennifer DiNizio21
Lina King21
Mike Giuliano21
Pam Simper21
Steve Handshoe21
Anthony Huling20
Bret Lurz20
Christina McEwen20
Kayla Riley20
Toni Guidi20
Tony George20

Next month is February! Bring on the Open!