Are you a Thermometer or a Thermostat?

I heard this analogy from Jim Kwik and it was perfect for the start of 2021. A Thermometer has one job, read and report. Read the situation (temperature) and give us the results. It is what it is.

A Thermostat has a similar job, reading the situation(temperature). The Thermostat takes it another step further though. If the situation it finds is not within our desired parameters it will change the outside environment until our desired parameters are back in line.

Have you ever used the phrase “It is what it is”? It sounds like giving up. It sounds like excepting your situation without putting up a fight. It sounds like being stuck in a rut.

What if you realized your situation and did everything you could to change it. What if you could change the outside environment to put yourself in a better place? Change who you hang out with, change the food you eat, change the places you go, change your bad habits. This would give you a fighting chance. Maybe you can find others on the same path. Maybe you will inspire others along the way.

Change the temperature. Be a Thermostat.

Coach Bret

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